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Alive and Well - LOL

I know it seems like I've disappeared somehow but I really haven't. I've been checking all my normal sources, but haven't been able to find anything I was enthused enough to show you. So sorry. The feed seems sort of lost of late. That could be my perception or simply that there was SO much going on around Halloween that most folks are taking a breath and getting ready for the Christmas rush which I am SURE will make Halloween look boring. Well not REALLY!!!

Anyway, I did manage to get over to LAP (Long Awkward Pose) to use a bit of my gift card from the photo contest. It was fun. I already had a lot of the poses, but I found some OLD ones that were really great -- and only $25. So if you are in the need of some new material -- even if it is "old", take a look around. This was one of my $25 finds. You'll be seeing some of my other new purchases as soon as I find the next great deal.

So I am still here, not in hiding. Honest! (wink)

See ya soon. And I promise to eventually change clothes :D


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